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Here are some frequently asked questions answered by our team experts that are usually asked by patients.

what do we do?

In the modern world, millions of customers demand health care services at their home. If you are also one of them then Hands-on Healthcare solutions are the one-stop destination to support you as per your lifestyle. We provide you with personalized home care services as per your needs, where and when you need it. Our unique set of homecare services include check-in services to full live-in support.

How do we do?

  • We help you with daily activities like getting up, bathing, washing, showering, sleeping, etc.

  • We help in preparing and monitoring your nutrition and hydration needs as per your choice.

  • We support you in daily household chores like dusting, vacuuming, washing, cleaning, etc.

  • We provide all forms of support in medications administration that you require at your home.

What's we expertise?

  • Personal Care: We at hands-on healthcare storngly believe that it is your life and you deserve the best care in your own chosen way.

  • Special Care: We do provide specialized care and support services in case of deep illness or injury that generally requires extra care.

  • End of Life Care: We offer compassionate end of life care to people who want to spend their end days at their home instead of hospitals.

  • Constant Care: We are available 24/7 for the people having complex healthcare needs and support them to manage their day to day activities.

When we do work?

We do work 24/7 to given you special attention and extra care that you deserve. Most importantly, we have personalized care plan for each individual as you need. So, don’t hesitate in sharing your requirements, and our expert team will contact you shortly.

How competent our staff?

We go through a regressive recruitment process with all of our staff before we hire them. We make sure that the best medical staff is given to you to meet your complex needs. We do organize regular training sessions for our staff to meet our high work ethics and professional standards. We give utmost importance to the teamwork and keep a close check on our daily care activities. We work as a team with service users, family members, and advocates in developing an ideal Person-Centred Care.

Live-in care

Respite care

Elderly care

Affordable Care
Domiciliary care (home care)
Healthy body,
healthy mind,
body and soul, Companionship care


Hands on Healthcare Solutions

CQC overall rating

23 October 2019

United Kingdom

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